Country :
Verify you are of legal drinking age.
Weather-related shipping delays may occur in affected areas. We appreciate your patience and are monitoring the situation closely.


Anthologies will ship your club wine selections directly to your home or office. No bills, no fuss, we simply charge the credit card provided on your application at the time of shipping. Please note that it is your obligation to notify Anthologies of any account changes 15 days before the beginning of a shipment month. Membership is ongoing and may be cancelled with a 15 day notice after receiving your second club shipment. Anthologies requests a two shipment minimum commitment to the wine club.

Due to legal restrictions, we are only permitted to ship wine to select states. Please note that verification of age and signature is required at the time of delivery. Carriers make three attempts to deliver, after which the wine is returned to Anthologies. No wine will be delivered to a visibly intoxicated person, and any person unable to produce age verification forfeits the right to receive the shipment until identification is produced. In such circumstances, the order may be held in storage at a local depot until appropriate identification is produced, or it may be shipped back to the winery. If a wine shipment is shipped back to the winery, the customer is responsible for freight charges.

Wines are subject to change due to availability. Members are responsible for all taxes, shipping or handling fees, including shipments that are refused, returned or shipped to an old address. Should your club shipment be returned for any reason, the fee to re-ship would be the full rate charged by the common carrier to Anthologies. If there has been some sort of error with delivery, we will be happy to work with you to resolve it.